taxonomy of dance taxonomy of dance
Using Labanotation, Taxonomy of Dance attempts to discover an underlying visual structure in western choreography across two periods of dance: classical and contemporary.

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choreo-radial explainer graphic

The Modern & Contemporary Eras

Artifact, 1984

William Forsythe

Artifact by William Forsythe is an exemplar of the transition in western dance from its roots in the Classical Era to the 21st century. The score features electronic music, breaking from ballet's traditional accompaniment by a live orchestra. Far from rebelling against classicsism, Artifact is a self-acclaimed ode to ballet by choreographer William Forsythe.

artifact 1984 choreo radials

The Modern & Contemporary Eras

Radial playback with scores

Artifact, 1984

William Forsythe

Songs, 1956

Mary Anthony

En Dolor, 1944

Ethel Winter

The Modern & Contemporary Eras

Era overview

Plotting measures in a feature space representing movement diversity and repetition, we can get a sense of the nature of the movement of each dance.

contemporary choreo radials

The Classical Era

Coppélia, 1870

Arthur Michel Saint-Léon

Coppélia is widely considered to be an masterpiece of Classical ballet. Based on a short story, the ballet revolves around a comical tale of a boy falling in love with a doll he thinks is real, and the jealousy of his fiancé. Coppélia premiered in Paris in 1870. Ballet companies around the world regularly revive Coppélia for its charming story and brilliant choereography and musicality.

coppelia 1870 choreo radials

The Classical Era

Radial playback with scores

Coppélia, 1870

Arthur Michel Saint-Leon

Sleeping Beauty, 1890

Marius Petipa

Raymonda, 1898

Marius Petipa

The Classical Era

Era overview

Plotting measures in a feature space representing movement diversity and repetition, we can get a sense of the nature of the movement of each dance.

contemporary choreo radials

In Overview

taxonomy timeline
taxonomy timeline